Two visionary filmmakers conceive an imaginative and exhilarating fictional screenplay where the protagonists engage in an epic clash to seize a one-of-a-kind pizza. Entitled “The Last Pizza,” this action-comedy short film is imbued with a touch of drama, masterfully blending genres to create a truly unique cinematic experience. At the heart of this enthralling narrative lies the legendary Pizza Order 88, a culinary masterpiece that serves as the central driving force and the very essence of the story within the story. As the plot unfolds, audiences are swept away on a breathtaking journey of humor, suspense, and unforeseen twists, all revolving around the highly coveted and enigmatic pizza.


Written & Directed by Gert Kombate 
Produced by Lexi Chen 
DP Chen Yan 
Camera Operator Max Li 
Co-Writer Damien Savant
Sound Recordist Cloud Wang 
Sound Design, Editing, Mixing by Oleg Shushkanov (REDHORSE STUDIO) 
Sound Track by Adrian Cermak VFX by Aleksei Segodin (NORDSKILL)

Alberto Lancellotti

Barret Coates


Luke Ryan

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